Monday, December 9, 2013

Time flies =)

Time flies, going to finish my Y2S3 in in less than 4 weeks.   

I have one more subject to go for my finals which is International Finance
As for my finals, I just finished my Business Ethic and IT For Management.

Since Business Ethic failing rate is about 30% which is one of the toughest subject in UTAR,
I just wish for a pass.
The tips given for the subject, IT For Management by our lecturer is not accurate. Thus, I am just hoping for a pass too.
Regardless, I know myself that I have done my best!
So, I won’t have any regret now.
As my Boyfriend always said, “Just do your best!”

My lovely parent came to Kampar this morning, just to have breakfast with me.

They wanted to buy a new car for me – a Toyota Vios
I told them that I want to buy the cheapest model for me which is J series, because I am just a fresh graduates, and I do not need an over luxury car, just a fuel saving one would be the best.
I deeply know that my parents love me so much,
Always think for me, concern for me, and miss me always.
Sometimes, my daddy did stalk my FB status (how cute he is):

When I post some emotional status,
He will call me and have a chat with me.
Still remember when I was young, my mum does canned me when I was naughty,  
However, I will always have my dad as my guardian angel.
He would always come in front of the swing from my mum to protect me

Sometimes when I cries, my dad would show me funny actions,
Just wants to see my smile.
On the other hand, my mummy is just like my elder sister.
I am the most she loves dearly.
She always believes me.
Still remember in the past, when I was sick, my mum will stay up all night to take care of me, to give me her fullest love.
Sometimes, she calls me as 二姐,
My eldest sister also call me as 二姐 as well,

Now, let’s talk about my lovely and handsome boyfriend.
He is so cute!

And I love him deeply! ^^

I want to say thank you to him
Because he used some of his free time to teach me Business Ethic for my finals preparation.
He read the text book and notes,  
Then he would summarized the core points for me,
Explains to me,
And translates to easier English vocabularies for me to understand and memorize,  
Thank you my lovely destroyer! I love you!
hugs hugs hugs

flying 留个评论下来呗